Author: admin

  • Spatial Audio in Virtual Reality

    Spatial Audio in Virtual Reality

    Introduction As Virtual Reality (VR) technology continues to evolve, creating truly immersive experiences is becoming more feasible and crucial for user engagement. While visual elements often steal the spotlight in discussions about VR, the role of spatial audio in crafting a convincing, realistic environment cannot be overstated. This article delves into the myriad spatial audio…

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  • Comparing Interaction Toolkits for VR in Unity: XRI, Oculus Integration, and VRTK

    Comparing Interaction Toolkits for VR in Unity: XRI, Oculus Integration, and VRTK

    Introduction Virtual Reality (VR) is a rapidly evolving technology that has made significant strides in transforming how we interact with digital environments across a variety of industries, including gaming, education, healthcare, military training, and architecture. The continued growth and adoption of VR technologies emphasize the importance of creating immersive and interactive experiences, driving advancements in…

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  • Understanding Colour in VR and How it Compares to Standard Displays

    Understanding Colour in VR and How it Compares to Standard Displays

    Introduction As part of my PhD research into auditory-visual associations and how Virtual Reality (VR) can be used as a tool to understand and potentially strengthen cross-modal associations between the two senses, I have stumbled upon an area that requires deeper investigation. How colour is perceived within the VR environment can be crucial when conducting…

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  • How to Access a Browser While in Virtual Reality and Why You Would Need To

    How to Access a Browser While in Virtual Reality and Why You Would Need To

    Introduction Virtual reality (VR) technology has come a long way in recent years, offering immersive experiences for gaming, education, and various professional applications. With the increasing adoption of VR headsets, users are seeking ways to enhance their virtual experiences by integrating common tasks, such as web browsing, within the VR environment. Accessing a web browser…

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  • Proposing a VR Application to Test Auditory-Visual Association Tests

    Proposing a VR Application to Test Auditory-Visual Association Tests

    Synopsis Virtual Reality (VR) has the potential to help improve our understandings in different research areas like mental heath, performance and user experience. In the area of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and with a focus on the area of auditory-visual associations, VR can help gain new insights into how we associate between our senses. I…

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  • Short Update

    Short Update

    I have let this website slip a bit over the last year or so, but I have updated it and “put a lick of paint on it”. I am two years into my PhD and I have been distracted with my studies and research and learning new areas of my research field, but now is…

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  • Video Games Can Help In Preparation Of Future Pandemics

    Video Games Can Help In Preparation Of Future Pandemics

    I have been reflecting a lot recently during the lockdown on video games and their potential in new idea creation and as a perfect platform to test real world processes. It has been a few months since the world went into lockdown over the situation with the Covid-19 Pandemic, and while restrictions are easing in most parts of the…

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  • Using Zooniverse And Tagging World War I Diaries

    Using Zooniverse And Tagging World War I Diaries

    For my first assignment in digital tools and methods, I were tasked with exploring crowdsourcing initiatives and contributing to one closely related to my arts minor or of personal interest to me. I was guided to a website called Zooniverse to find a crowdsourcing initiative of interest. Zooniverse is a citizen science web portal that…

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  • Digital Artifact – Interactive Map Of Yasukuni

    Digital Artifact – Interactive Map Of Yasukuni

    This blog post will help explain the process I went through to create a digital artefact for my DH2001 Concepts and Collaborations module. For one of our assignments we were tasked with creating a digital artefact, it could be anything we wanted as long as it was digitally created. We could work in groups or…

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  • Realsim Visualising The Future And The Past

    Realsim Visualising The Future And The Past

    Realsim is a company that creates realtime 3D simulations for their clients. Started 8 years ago in Galway and with a team having over 20 years of experience in 3D animations and spatial technologies, Realsim are at the forefront in the 3D simulation business in the fields of planning and heritage. I got to sit…

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