Update On Last Weeks Thoughts And Focus


Our last DH 2001 class was insightful and gave me things to think about, which is always a good way to leave a lecture. I have been trying to think of areas of interest and where to focus my studies. What angle do I want to approach a certain topic, what tools and methods do I want to use, what are my expectations from certain ideas and what will the outcome of my work be? Maybe I am thinking too much about it but I like to know what I am doing and how I am going to start something instead of just jumping in blindly.



Religion and Technology


In class we looked at some exciting Irish business that are developing interesting products in their markets. There is Romero Games, an independent games company based out of Galway. DAQRI who are developing new technologies like the smart helmet. Noho who created digital media for their clients. They all are doing some innovative things in their fields. With Romero Games and Noho especially, they are creating the kind of content I am interested in learning more about.

Ideas To Focus On

From the conclusion of my last post I think I would still like to explore religion and technology. Between DH 2001, DH 2005 and my East Asian religions module I think I could do some interesting research into the effect technology has on religion. Is religion being left behind or is it engaging with new technologies to keep it relevant moving forward. I want to use the interviews, focus groups and research methods from DH 2005 to gather info on the subject. And from DH 2001 I hopeful will be able to create an interesting narrative from the research .

Finally It Has Started

So for the past two weeks there have been no classes for my East Asian religions module. We were waiting for the lecturer to arrive due to other commitments. This has left us behind and now we have to catch up but least the classes have started now. I am looking forward to getting into the study of contemporary Japanese religions. Finding an interesting angle to work with in my study of religion and connections that to technology will be interesting and very beneficial. To conclude I think I am more confident of where and what I want to focus on. My focus I will narrow down more as the weeks go by and as I pick up interesting information from my classes. I will keep updating my progress here, so stay tuned.

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